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Repairing damage to the body can be done in two ways either by yourself or someone else. But in the case of the brain it requires outside assistance when it comes to self repair but only from one who understands and knows what is involved in the delicate energy work necessary to create that repair.

As any brain is susceptible to thought processes and word and thought commands it is always necessary to have that person in the right type of environment in order to help with the brains repair cycle.

A  harmonious environment with nothing but positive thought can have profound effects on the repair processes!

Brain damage can take many forms from disease introduced by say a Bacteria to bad thought manipulation through teachings  to bad drugs or advertising manipulation. The damage in the latter case is done through a conditioning process and the effects can be devastating!


The solutions are simply!

Think about the words that are used when you not only speak them but also think them,

The brain can pick up thought patterns even when those same thought patterns are not spoken thus causing damage if that individual is susceptible to those thoughts. In this situation such people would be children, brain damaged patients, coma patients or unconscious people. In other cases most people are susceptible to bad thought patterns at most times because they are not taught how to control the thought process in any stage of their development.


Just think the 2 elements that you need to be taught about is how thought works and its power and what is memory and how to use it. None are taught properly in schools of any kind. If they were the world would be a better place.


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