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The body reacts to different drugs in different ways. One of the dangers however is when the body reacts to drugs in a detrimental way. The first line of defense that the body has therefore is the immune system and the way it responds to these situations is it becomes more active. When this occurs the body begins to heat up thus causing swelling due to a natural cooling method that the rain instigates. This is its way of balancing the internal temperature. This is not so much physical heat as internal reactive heat. Normal medical practice then becomes more difficult as it is difficult to treat what you cannot see thus the course of action normally would be to treat what you see which may not be the correct way to approach the problem.

As the body can be seriously damaged from massive extensive swelling this can also transfer to spinal fluid increase which in turn can affect pressure levels surrounding the brain. The swelling must be reduced by reducing the immune systems reactive state.

Also a need to know the chemicals at work and how they can react to internal chemicals as to how the mix. This means if any input of chemical can cause a side effect through combining with an internal chemical then the chemical that is input needs to be neutralized. There are any number of ways to approach this situation.

Most medical personnel should know how to do this..

To reduce swelling we use a natural healing process first this has proven th  be extremely effective and saved our own sons life a few years back. That is also why he physically did not look sick as this therapy stabilised the physical metabolic system so it would not react to the condition and the Meningitis bacteria present. The technique also neitralised the bacteria at the same time. Then it was just a case of repair the damage done prior to the appearance of the seizure.

In the case of drug posioning from a bad combination the body must be flushed out as much as possible and as soon as possible so that the drug is flushed out before it can cause too much damage. If swelling occurs then it is already having an effect but may still not be too late for saline flushing. A saline drip can often help with this.

Then if the condition is worse where ventilation is required then we have whats called third stage degenerative reduction which means drips, ventilation as the condition is at its worst state. Death can occur from this if not approached correctly.

It now become vital for the chemicas in the drug to beknown asap. Then a working method of serious attck must be formulated and usually within the next 48 hours from that point of unconsciousness unless on artificial life support. Remember that brain and body damage can seriously occur if left to long and not reduced quickly..

If you have access to the Kalei technique this can assist in gaining control of the metaboic system extremely fast.


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