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Here you will find the sequence of events that led up to the different responses in both Medical terms as well as our own therapies and advanced applications. We hope to attempt to portray the responding and the results of each application and also how these two modalities do in fact work in unison with each other if applied and understood properly.

There are many facets of this treatment plan that had to be taken into consideration!

Here are a few: Type of problem - severity of condition - time frame for results of tests - type of drugs being applied (ie: antibiotic types) (Pain relief- (ie: morphine) - CT scan results - MRI scan results - area of brain affected - severity of afflicted areas - age of child - body condition of child - Psychological condition of area of treatment - subconscious influences child will be exposed to - surroundings of patient - attitude of nursing staff and doctors as well as parents (more important because patient is our own son so becomes doubly important that we maintain positive profile otherwise we cannot help!) - plus much more!

Date of first event! Seizure occurred! 10am. Called for ambulance which arrived 30 minutes later!! Meantime rolled patient onto side to aid in breathing and stop choking. Applied physical body isolation technique to protect the body from any detrimental seizure effects. Could not do the brain due to the seizure!

When ambulance arrived Paramedics washed Sam down to cool him off as he was by this time overheating.

seizures occur from the bodies reaction to overheating, this destabilizes the metabolic action thus causing a spasmodic response. The electrical responsing of the brain begins to short out due to overheating. The same thing happens to electrical circuits when they overheat but in that case it just shuts down, in the brains case it shuts down in a sequential pattern.

No anti seizure drug given for first hour until arrival at Hospital. Further 4 hours of intravenous feeds being inserted which took longer than expected. Then began broad spectrum of antibiotic drugs as medical team suspicious of Meningitis strain at that time. CT Scan done at Swindon.

Then recovery team from Bristol arrived to take Sam to Children's Intensive Care in Bristol!

First Subtle recovery therapy applied to Sam on this same day at Bristol ICU discretely. Saw CT Scan done in Swindon and showed infection in the Basil Ganglia area of the brain.

Energy therapy then applied to assist in repair of damage and elimination of the Bacteria present this activates the Immune system.(2)

Next day slight improvements , Medical staff do not know why his body looks good while he is so sick inside, medical staff puzzled by this??

This was the result of the physical body isolation technique done the same day Sam had the seizure now 2 days earlier.

 MRI Scan done this day saw results later and confirmed the infected area.

Another Zarlen advanced therapy applied to the brain area to assist in healing.

Lab tried to grow a culture from Spinal bacteria found but could not due to the early start of the antibiotics, also the therapy to isolate the bacteria so it could do no more harm had already been applied. (See (2) above!)

Multiple enhancement applications to assist Sam to heal alongside medical treatment.

After 10 days Sam moved back to Swindon and released to home after 3 weeks after seizure.

Another CT Scan done one week later and showed Hydrochephalus. But just before scan about 12 hours before a drain application was done to releive the fluid and assist the brain to control the condition.

This showed as tidal recession shadow on the scan.

One week later head size is constant and Fontanela is soft.

To date sams recovery is continuing and improving with normal head growth  relative to curve graph and other improvements are beginning to show like now rolling over both sides and full eye rotation is now occurring.

Update 30/9/2002

Samuel is now 11 months old & continues to improve after the shunt was done at the start of the month. This is a temporary fix until the normal drain tubes are back to normal. The process of rejuvenation will begin and this allows for energy applications to be done. Anytime a high energy healing application is applied causes the brain to cool itself through the production of fluid this if not pressure maintained increases the pressure in the ventricles thus causing higher pressure such as Hydrocephalus.

The shunt gives us the chance to apply the techniques and early applications have shown a marked increase in repair and developmental catch-up.

The catch-up phase are things such as motor control, eye co-ordination, audiotory responsing, rolling, head control etc etc etc. The head circumference has also become stable and actually has reduced slightly which is normal. Head and scull shape is normal and in proportion.

In one month Samuel has gone from being lethargic to full head control, eye co-ordination, auditory responsing, rolling, semi-sitting, laughing when played with and also at other times. (This is not wind or grimacing!) Speech is beginning to take shape with certain words being formed.

The progress performance is showing constant improvement with no plateau effects occurring.

A plateau effect is when the patient stops improving for a short or long period of time and then begins again. This can affect developmental processing if the time period for the plateau is too long.

The brain through research can self repair and does so in any number of ways. However the techniques developed by us stimulate repair in certain focused areas that we apply the healing energy mechanism to.

We have found that the medical profession in UK can be very manipulative and constantly tries to create labels where labels do not exist! Analytical techniques need to be drastically improved as well as control of the use of equipment such as ultrasound, CT scans and MRI scanning processes. THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE!

Most young children will improve back to full health with the proper applications and understanding of the staff around them, this includes the right type of positive expressive thoughts. Testing children especially babies before they have had a chance to recover is not only unethical but also highly inefficient and unprofessional and lacks proper training in after illness care and recouperation.

Rehabilitation is vitally important and must be left to nature to a certain point after an illness. Only when deemed necessary by properly trained personnel should other processes be applied.

Samuel will recover fully but the amount of children that are not allowed to naturally recoup is astonishing in UK and elsewhere!.

Update 16th March 2006.

Today Sam is doing well. He now has to concentrate on walking properly as well as develop better conversation. This is due to limited hearing response. This will be worked on over the next year.

But the big smile one gets now on a regular basis and the hugs makes the work worthwhile.

Sams case history can be found here!


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