Tape 271


Zarlen Channelled Transcript



Zarlen: Good evening.


Pupils: Good evening Zarlen.

Zarlen: Energy, spiritual, physical. Communication with thought. The force of your life. To identify fact, to identify truth. Your life is therefore set in what you believe, the focus of that thought will depend upon the strength of the belief associated with it. If you are sensitive to a force your energy is below it, if you are in control there is no fear, just understanding. How strong is your concentration? What do you believe? Close your eyes please. Concentrate on the colored points of light you see in your mind, spot them, the different colors. Open your eyes. Do you believe in what you see? Do you question? What is truth? Knowledge. What is knowledge? Energy, spiritual, earned through effort. Where does the truth begin? Where does it end? What is real? Do you believe in what you see?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: In your mind? Yes?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: Why do you not accept what you seek in your mind, you can accept what you see with your eyes, what is the truth? A candle, a flame is energy, the strength of your belief can match the strength of the candle if you believe, you understand. The strength of belief is the truth of your life, no harm, no pain, you move this belief like the wind. There are some things which are true if you believe it, yes or no? Again close your eyes, the atmosphere in the room. What is your interpretation of a high energy form? All knowing, all seeing, trusting all, with equal trust it places upon itself, do you call this form a god? Yes or no?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: Concentrate then on the atmosphere in the room. Open your eyes, speak of what you feel.


Pupil: Very tense.

Zarlen: Others.


Pupil: A lot of energy around my shoulders.



Pupil: I feel energy around my body and head.

Zarlen: Any others.



Pupil: In my mind.


Pupil: Energy in my hands.

Zarlen: All power of yourselves, we did nothing, we just proved you control your own space. You thought I was the catalyst, I did nothing, I watched you do it, you believed I was applying it and thus by you concentrating upon a specific point you achieved the result yourselves. How does this make you feel?


Pupil: Good.

Zarlen: Why only one thought? There is only one thought, the truth, you have the power to control your own life. Do you have a question? Speak it.


Pupil: In the bible where it says, of the father, the son and the holy spirit, the father we know as the god force and the source, the son I would take to mean christ, the holy spirit is that another word meaning the same as the god force?

Zarlen: There are many interpretations of the truth. How many parts are there to yourself?


Pupil: The mind, the body and the spirit, three parts.

Zarlen: There is only one that is your life force itself, take it away what is left? You are created from all things, you are a part of everything, there is one tree standing on the hill overlooking a forest of trees,does that tree stand on its own?


Pupil: Well it is part of the whole environment.

Zarlen: It is all the same, it just stands taller than the rest, that does not make it more of a tree, it is still equal regardless of position, it understands this. It must be strong to withstand the elements but it is still equal, it must support itself and not benefit from the others around it. If the tree in the forest falls over others will support it if they can, this one on the hill must support itself this makes it no more or less than the rest because its origin is from the same place. It is formed at the same cause, produces the same effect, it understands. You can learn a lot from nature if you look. Does this answer your question?


Pupil: Would you say then the tree on top of the hill is within the other ones?

Zarlen: In what sense?


Pupil: Well time.

Zarlen: What is time?


Pupil: Did it come into being at an earlier stage as an individual tree?

Zarlen: What happens if they all grew at the same time? Does age make it wiser? Does youth make it stronger? It all comes down to a specific element, the energy that gives it life. It becomes weakened from the reduction of the life force that gives it life in the first place.


Pupil: Where does the energy come from?

Zarlen: In the trees case, the ground in which it stands. In your case the ground is you. What is the tree? The thought, it is the tree of knowledge, it stems in all directions but its source is yourself.


Pupil: Yes but there must be a reason for the tree to be on top of the hill and the other ones somewhere else.

Zarlen: Correct.


Pupil: And the reason is that the tree on top of the hill had a better use of the energy.

Zarlen: Negative. Man chopped the rest down, left one on its own. Just because there is one left doesn't mean it is there for a purpose. You must always find a reason for things before you can believe in them, true or false?


Pupil: True.

Zarlen: If you constantly therefore keep analyzing and analyzing and analyzing and finding reasons for things in specific positions or whatever, you will learn nothing because nothing is perfect in your world you will find flaws in everything, you must learn, concentrate on elements of doubt, elements of skepticism, prejudice, jealousy, whatever, it is irrelevant. What is important is you, your own space, your ability to control that space, your ability to understand and learn from your experiences, to express feelings that you learn. To restrict yourself is to restrict the value of your belief.


Pupil: So no comparison?

Zarlen: If you were to put your hand into the flame like I did you would burn it because you limit your thoughts to the surface of the hand, you do not think beyond it, you do not think through the flame, you concentrate on the surface you do not concentrate on what it is, a force which you can equal yourself to. You limit yourself in similar fashions in your existence. If you become self reliant on artificially induced values you find yourself becoming dependant upon them therefore you are no longer yourself. You therefore become blinded by what you think you know, not realizing there is nothing in this circumstance to know so your time is wasted. The only way to learn is to have this control of yourself. Do you truly believe this?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: Another question if you wish.


Pupil: I have a very basic question.

Zarlen: No question is ever basic. All knowledge is equal in its value and in its strength. Do you wish to re phrase?


Pupil: Thank you, could you tell me the reason why when you do the hand exercise that both hands become positive and not both hands become negative for example?

Zarlen: They can become negative using a specific control action yourself and because the main factor of your spirit is positive the hand exercise itself through a parallel meeting equal can create a positive response because you are then controlling the negative therefore the flow of energy becomes complete, like attracts like, you obtain the positive from the negative thus,introducing the life force of yourself in its true state between your hands. Does this explain it?


Pupil: Yes, now the electrical current does it go down to the surface of the right hand and there it is transformed into the magnetic value when you apply the hand exercise?

Zarlen: There is always a constant positive in the right hand, just as much as there is a negative but the left hand is a different structure entirely from what you think.

This has been an extract from the Zarlen Tape library. The full transcript is available in the Zarlen Channelling Book which is available in the catalogue section of this website.


(c) Copyright 1993-2008 J Sherwood