Tape 261


Zarlen Channelled Transcript




Pupil: Good evening Zarlen.

Zarlen: Spiritual Truth, identity of fact, Communication, Spiritual contact between spirit. To begin, in the beginning your spirit communicates through expression, the ability to be free of any physical condition through expressive thought is to express the feelings associated with the thought. The sensitive values in relation to the expression. The identity of the expression will take place through the application, the lesson is to learn the response. Physical response is what one feels on the physical, spiritual aspects of yourself. To identify truths, logically as they stand and not to create a supposition within ones mind by what one thinks is true. The limitation therefore of oneself with restrict ones lifestyle, ones spiritual knowledge to a level where nothing is obtained any longer. If all learning systems in the universe stopped as humans tend to achieve a restriction within themselves, the universe would not expand. Your spiritual energy is a direct flow, no restrictions, your spiritual energy alternates according to the directions necessary in order to give it a response. If this energy is maintained a lesson will be learned as long as the balance is maintained through the application of the thought through what you sense instinctively to be correct. In simple language you learn through experience. True? Therefore by restricting your experiences you restrict your growth. No spiritual expression takes place. If a flower in a field restricts its ability itself to the fullest the field does not share in the beauty of the single flower, the perfection of each petal, the improvement of the vision of what you see overawes. The field becomes a better place because of the ability of the flower to express itself fully to the sunlight which gives it energy which gives life. It closes itself up at night time and expresses itself again at dawn, suppressing its expression again at dusk. Your life follows a similar pattern, you awake, you should express fully what you feel like the flower to the sun, and night time when you sleep you cease for a small fraction of your existence you cease to experience physically, you become spiritually in tune, resting the physical body from the exhaustion of expression experienced through the day. In the morning you open out as the flower does at dawn. If you restrict yourself during the day therefore you live it yourself in learning, attaining knowledge, improving spiritually to create an equality within your own environment upon, transferred energy by thought from the flower to another creates a harmony in nature. The transfer of knowledge by communication expressed by yourself serves the same purpose. If you do not express what you feel there is no equality in life, no succession, no improvement, no increase in spiritual awareness to give you fulfillment in your life. If you restrict therefore the expressions of the physical form you express yourself in a limited fashion if your restriction is complete as to your perception of what you think is correct. Does the spirit need to analyze the thought? Yes or no?


Pupil: No.

Zarlen: Why do you need to analyze the same thought therefore? If the action is on a positive the instinct must also guide you to the positive, a lesson will be learned through your ability to express what you feel, would it not?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: Therefore your confidence in yourself and your ability to express the energies of your spirit would be complete, for you to reach another value, another area of your learning, a higher awareness takes place. If a caterpillar remains a caterpillar does it succeed in its evolutionary journey?


Pupil: No.

Zarlen: It must go through a metamorphic state to become complete. The beauty that is revealed is revealed through the metamorphic action, its ability to change its form and recognize its true state, its true evolutionary cycle. Your spirit is the butterfly, the beauty it represents, the understanding, a value in yourself not yet recognized because you have not obtained it. To obtain it therefore is a simple exercise of practicing expression through what you think. If you find it difficult to put into what you call words because you do not have the ability to transmit through thought as to your feelings mentally and spiritually and physically you act upon the sensation, if this still is incomplete you have a third application, physical contact. If you fail all three you do not fail anybody else, you fail yourself. In actuality you have seven levels of expression each one intricate within itself, but each one as complete as the next. To express one is to express all. To limit one is to limit a part of the whole of yourself. Is this understood?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: Questions when you are ready. You may now ask.


Pupil: Zarlen do the base frequency sounds of the male and female differ?

Zarlen: They are all one value existing within yourself. All you need is to tune into the constant, as an example we will use the form to pronounce the sound, a variation, the energy associated with the sound should answer your question. Close your eyes please, place all elements out of your lap, hands on your legs, both feet on the floor, eyes closed, concentrating on the third eye in the center of your forehead the main energy point. Listen with your mind and not your ears, this will take me but a second.( Pronounced the sound). Explain the experience you obtained.


Pupil: For me I was pretty sure I could feel the perforations for a considerable time, I felt variations of different levels within the mind.

Zarlen: Was the sound a constant?


Pupil: The total sound you mean?

Zarlen: In its total value, creating a singular space within your mind.



Pupil: I thought of in the middle east earthquakes where there was a sound frequency measured.


Zarlen: Vibration frequency can vary according to pronunciation, the emitence of the sound is a singular vibration, the alternating value of that vibration can alter according to the strength of the thought. The energy associated with the vibration can be transmitted through the sound thus creating a vibration within your mind, your brain has the ability to accept the energy associated with the sound thus creating a specific mental state within ones mind if one permits. Is this understood?


Pupil: I felt an increase of energy on my third eye.

Zarlen: This is as it should be, the energy itself focused upon that specific point will automatically enhance the energy value thus giving you an example of energy transmission through sound. The variations create a constant value of knowledge. Each sound has a purpose, each vibration has a meaning therefore the sound and the vibrations associated with it is information sent verbally in your case to you, spiritually through energy giving your spirit permission to enhance your own value to a specific wave length if you like, vibration frequency or sound, a level of awareness. Do you feel higher than you were before?


Pupils: Yes.

Zarlen: If you do feel this within yourself you have learnt why some forms of meditation use sound, this can be achieved however without the sound using just the energy lifting upwards, very simply applied. Again close your eyes please. We ask you now to concentrate on the top of your head. Concentrate on the lifting sensation as the energy is applied, the limitations you sense will be the ones you place upon yourself, if there are no limitations there will be no limit to the distance you move from one point to wherever we project the next space to be occupied within your mind, the experience is almost classified as a separation of mind and body. Upon returning downwards as you open your eyes once again you find a different sensation in your mind than what was once before. What does this teach us? Through your letting go of restrictions there is no limit to your achievements providing you are prepared to place energy in the form of thought as the effort.

This has been an extract from the Zarlen Tape library. The full transcript is available in the Zarlen Channelling Book which is available in the catalogue section of this website.


(c) Copyright 1993-2008 J Sherwood