Tape 267


Zarlen Channelled Transcript



Zarlen: Good evening.


Pupils: Good evening Zarlen.

Zarlen: Belief, trust, spiritual identity, releasing physical conditions connected to preconditioned thought. Where does your life lead without direction? Direction is of the spiritual essence from within, without it you have no meaning, no purpose. The value of communication between your higher self and your physical form must be understood. Close your eyes please. Concentrate on the third eye point in the center of your head, project your thoughts through this point, now bring your concentration back and project it through the top of your head, reach upwards, your thoughts are a giant hand reaching into the essence of the universe itself. Reach with that thought until you grasp a portion, a value you are capable of containing with your thought and let it flow down, downwards into you. The higher you reach with your thoughts the stronger the sensation becomes until you feel yourself releasing, letting go. Bring yourself gently back down and then imagine yourself physically growing in the same direction upwards as if your feet were on the ground, growing. Where is the limit? The limit is as far as you think you can expand your thought. Return, rest, open your eyes, relax. Breathe deeply, something I must remember to do. You have high spiritual energy, is breathing ultimately necessary? It is to a limited value as far as balancing the energies of your physical form are concerned. Truths, what is real, what is not. What is the secret of your life? Searching for the ultimate fear within yourself, identifying it, accepting the challenge and learning to control the weakest part of the physical self. How do you achieve this? By firstly realizing what those weak values are. Do you reach opinions by reaching conclusions from statements other spiritual forms have made? Yes or no?


Pupil: Yes.

Zarlen: Why accept another forms thoughts which in most cases are incomplete if there are any negative elements associated with them, any values of doubt, any fears, skepticism, how can one be skeptical of something they have not yet experienced? It is impossible, it cannot be done, you must have the experience before you can claim otherwise. To do so is an illogical act, you say you are afraid, how can you be afraid of something you have not yet fully experienced? You therefore are not afraid, you just do not have enough knowledge to control the situation what ever that occurrence may be. Where does this lead us? To dilemmas of thought, restricted physical values pertaining to a specific conditional idea about your interpretation of what is right and what is not. Your spiritual development two thousand years ago was given two directions, you were given the chance to learn on a spiritual level giving you the ability therefore to control all elements, you are unable to see the results until the effort was applied, the secret however of the application to obtain those results was not given because it must be earned through trust. You chose the other, the physical, the one you thought was right, the one you thought you could see. If you see a mirage it is only real as long as you wish it, when you do not need it you loose it therefore constant application of a belief is necessary for spiritual growth. With out the belief you have no reason to search for a direction in your life. A question please. Speak it.


Pupil: Mine Zarlen is of the different levels to six and if you like to seven, the professions in different trades whether they are doctors or lawyers or taxi drivers or whatever, do they tend to go to their sixth level to do their best work or would they stay on their healing level or memory or the creative level for say an artist?

Zarlen: An artist creates through the ability to see the picture concluded before he has begun it. In order to succeed you must see and create the conclusion in your mind before you begin therefore you have created a result which must occur, this is irrelevant whether you focus on the negative or the positive you will still obtain the result you chose before you begun, this comes from your ability to control your environment by your thoughts. The spiritual side of yourself which is all knowing the directions, the abilities it is capable of achieving through thought therefore if you find yourself concentrating on a specific element which has no purpose because you do not give it a purpose how can you expect to gain a result. Does this answer your question?


Pupil: Yes thank you.

Zarlen: If you think you will win and believe it an know it you will regardless of what is thrown at you.

This has been an extract from the Zarlen Tape library. The full transcript is available in the Zarlen Channelling Book which is available in the catalogue section of this website.


(c) Copyright 1993-2008 J Sherwood