This update 6th October 2006.
There are three elements in a 3d world. In other words we exist in a 3 dimensional existence in this universe. This means there are three types of energies that exist that make up this 3d space we live in, and in order to understand it we need to also recognize that the sequence of 1-9 has 3 phases within it but the combinations have a purpose and a meaning. When understood and used in the proper manner results can be amazing.
The different types in this area of the Kalei principle are as follows:
Phase one: This is the positive power side the the equation 3,7,8. In which all are associated with power and energy in a genetic and harmonic way.
Phase two: This is the opposite of phase one. This one entails energy that is uncreative and has no real direction and is reflective most of the time. It is known as the shadow of the other.. 2,4,6.
Phase three: This is the neutral central force that keeps the other two from annihilating each other. This energy can be used in either direction and quite often power people will use it to create power sections or site from the other two phases. 1,5,9.
In order to understand how all this fits into the system of the Kalei principle a knowledge of the numerical meaning is handy.
Once you know your own life number by adding the birth date month and year as follows: 12.June(6) 1969 = 367=7.
That’s 1=2=3 3+6+(1+9+6+9=7)= 7
So that means your life number is 7.
If you buy a house or sell one that does not have any numbers that represent either of you or the house then that house was not yours in reality to begin with and that’s why you got rid of it.
If you see from the example above you are not just affected by the prime number 7 but also by the other semi prime numbers as well IE: 3,6,7
So what sort of person are you? Well which group are you a part of in the equation of a 3d existence. Are you phase one, two or three?
Remember that if you are in phase one you will buy property if that is your thing and change that property if it exists in either of the other two into a power property. This means improve it.
If you alter any property either internally or externally then you will change its harmonic energy influence relative to those changes. It will not be the same again.
Watch for Part three soon late 2008!