
Spiritual and New Age





- Access: New Age (USA) - Lots of articles on all kinds of topics.
- After Death Communication (USA) - Information on communication, and help for those left behind.
- Al's Cosmic Connections (Aust) - A good collection of esoteric & spiritual articles.
- Angels on The Net (USA) - Angel stories, resources, events
- AngelNet (USA) - Angels, astrology, dolphin movies, products, information, links.
- Angel Paths (UK) - Free Tarot readings & information.
- Ashtar Command (USA) - News & messages from our space brothers.
- Aspects & John Fitzsimons (Aust) - Discussion, past lives, healing, spiritualism, walk-ins
- Association for Research & Enlightenment (USA) - Edgar Cayce information & resources
- Beyond the Rainbow (USA) - Metaphysical products, information, newsletter
- Blue Star Speaks (Aust) - Channeled messages from an ascended Thea Master.
- Body Mind & Modem (USA) - A multi-media journey to inner peace practising Aikido.
- Celestia WWW Server (USA) - 'American Spirit' newspaper, psychic studies, health info.
- Celestine Prophesy Home Page (USA) - Where CP fans meet and exchange ideas
- Clairvision School (Aust) - Information, courses, products, links.
- Crystal Lady (USA) - Free advice, articles, angels, poetry & books for sale.
- Datre Net (USA) - Teachings & channelings of Datre, a universal being.
- Dolphin Art (US) - the talented brush of Carlos Aleman
- Dreams of the Great Earth Changes (USA) - Ascension, dreams, earth changes, ETs.
- Eagle's Wing Shamanism (UK) - Information, artices, workshops.
- Edgar Cayce Books International Database (USA)
- Electric Samauri (USA) - Consult the Oracle in the Cyber Shrine; Oriental people & places.
- Era Of Peace (USA) - Personal & planetary transformation articles, newsletter, events etc.
- Footbag Peace Initiative (USA) - Great for teens under peer pressure or anyone under stress.
- Gaia Friends (USA) - Spiritual Chat & Messages
- Global Transformation (USA) - Personal & planetary info, interviews, meditations.
- Guy Finley: Life of Learning (USA) - Self help book excerpts, regular chat, products.
- Haven of Serenity (USA) - A place of sharing prayers and loving thoughts
- Heartsong Centre for Expanded Consciousness (USA) - Psychic info, exercises, PSI-Q Test - RADIO & TV on the web!
- Heaven (Ire) - Go to Heaven and meet the angels.
- Helene Rothschild (USA) - Metaphysical articles: relationships, healing, communication.
- Hypnosis.com (USA) - Articles, events, courses, products & information on hypnosis
- I Am (Aust) - One man's inspirational fight against leukaemia; plus poetry, meditations etc.
- Iasos (USA) - Articles, metaphysical info, art, colour, products.
- IIPC Home Page (Braz) - Consciousness Research, OOBE's, Vital Energy
- InnerSelf Magazine (USA) - Online magazine with articles
- Inspirations of Love (USA) - Dadaji, his miracles, thoughts and music, plus products.
- Interactive Insite (USA) - Crystals, fairies, religion, medicine, UFO's etc.
- International Enneagram Association (USA) - Promoting the highest human values through the Enneagram.
- Internet Global Gathering (NZ) - Information on gatherings for peace and goodwill
- Interspecies Telepathic Communication (USA) - Articles, resources, courses, products.
- Inward Journey (USA) - Spiritual self-awareness, channeling, meditation, angels.
- Island Foundation (USA) - The hub of the psychadelic community!
- Jesus of Nazareth (USA) - New messages from an old master.
- John & Micki Baumann (USA) - Spiritual articles, Sedona vortex, Yin/Yang, pendulm.
- Journey Into The Afterlife (USA) - NDE's, life after death, Edgar Cayce, poems etc.
- Journeys Beyond Reason (USA) - Predictions, religion, mysticism, chat.
- Karal Studio (NZ) - Crystal & spiritual articles & some nice stained glass!
Kenaz Tarot Resource Page (USA) - Articles & FAQs.
- Korton Communications (Aust) - Channelled info about 4th dimensional shift & South Pacific earth changes.
- Learning the Tarot - An On-Line Course (USA) - Online lessons, sample readings etc.
- Light Communications (Sweden) - Art and music
- Light Hearts (USA) - Pre-birth communication, life before life.
- Light on The Path (USA) - Spiritual writings and resources
- Lightworks (USA) - New age information, products, books, artwork
- Lightworkers Network (USA) - Articles, news, links, courses.
- Love Wisdom (USA) - Studying The Secret Doctrine & the teachings of Alice A. Bailey
- Lucid Dreaming (Aust) - Information, hints, how-to, links.
- Mahatma (UK) - Merkabah, magic, reiki, Mahatma, Melchizedek etc.
- Man And The Unknown (Ned) - New Age History, paranormal (recorded) voices, Javanese Mysticism
- Many Paths (USA) - Chat, events, poetry, articles, advice, quotations and links.
- Messages from Archangel Michael (USA) - Channeled by Ronna Herman.
- Metatron (Swed) - Archaeoastronomy, Keys of Enoch, Ascension & Portals information
- Millenium Art (USA) - Painting & sculpture from some visionary new age artists.
- MindBodySpirit (Sth Africa) - Information and links to lots of new age information
- Montessori Education for Psychic Families (USA) - find out more!
- Mountain Man Graphics (Aust) - Information on earth, science, nature & consciousness
- Museum of Talking Boards (USA) - Ouija information, folklore, picture galleries.
- Mystical World Wide Web (UK) - Large collection of links, articles & information.
- NA Net Global (USA) - Links to New Age Sites all over the planet
- Nephthys - Mistress of Psychism (USA) - Life paths, control and relationships.
- Network 2012 (USA) - A resource for lightworkers and starseeds all over the planet.
- Neuro Linguistic Programming (Aust) - NLP resources, information, glossary, projects.
- New Age Directory (USA) - articles, personals, links.
- New Age Journal (USA) - On-Line Magazine on New Age topics
- New Age Mining Co. (USA) - A huge searchable resource of links & articles on all manner of topics.
- New Age Net (Aust) - WA based new age magazine with articles, services, events, links
- New Age Net (USA) - Directory of new age services and practitioners.
- New Age Page (USA) - Links only, but lots of them on all sorts of topics
- New Age Web Works (USA) - Articles, travel, products
- New Age Virtual Library (USA) - Extensive list of New Age links.
- New Frontier Online (USA) - Magazine of Transformation with articles
- Norwegian Centre for Cosmic Awareness (Norway) - UFO's, Lightwork, Ascension
- nvisible (USA) - Stargates, lightwork, events, 11:11
- Omega Unit (NZ) - Channelings, Aliens, Spiritual messages.
- One Light (USA) - Spiritual thoughts, information and links.
- One Planet (Aust) - A meeting place for spiritually-minded people.
- One-World Calendar (USA) - Lunar phases, astrological info, festivals & holy

-One Star In Site, Inc. is a paranormal investigation company. The site also has a number of general interest articles about psychic
phenomenon, the occult & paranormal.

- Our Planet (Aust) - Articles on Gaia, dreamtime, meditation, changes and more.
- Past Life Readings (USA) - Past Life and Sharmanic Journeys
- Peace In Mind (Sweden) - International New Age events
- Pendulum (Aust) - Book channeled from ShaVrill, from the Brotherhood of Light
- phenomeNEWS (USA) - Online spiritual magazine with articles.
- Psyche Journal (Aust) - Journal of Research into Consciousness
- Psychic Chicken Network (USA) - Have fun with Ruprecht the Psychic Chicken!
- Psychic Encounters (UK) - Large paranormal & spiritulist site.
- Psychosophy (USA) - Esoteric Psychology, Education, Astrochemistry, Healing
- P'TAAH Home Page (USA) - Channelled info, and tour dates for P'TAAH and Jani King.
- Reality Creation (USA) - Devoted to Seth, his ideas and concepts, articles & stories.
- Reincarnation (Aust) - The communications of Chan Hzuen
- Rings of Gaia (USA) - Commentary on currency, education, travel, art etc.
- Robert Bruce's Astral Pulse (Aust) - Astral Travel, Astral Vision, poetry & stories
- SagePlace: Journey to Wholeness (USA) - Gather & chat about spiritual matters, articles.
- Salem New Age Center - Articles and meditations
- School of Spiritual Integrity (USA) - Spiritual articles and courses.
- Sedona Good Times Magazine (USA) - Heaps of info, articles, events, bulletin board etc.
- Self Empowerment Site (UK) - Online peace magazine with articles, UK events & services
- Seven Wonders of the World (USA) - History, information, great pictures of the 7 wonders
- Shadow Star (USA) - Spiritual sharing, dreams, visions, channeling, Celestine Prophesy etc.
- Shambhallah Awareness Centre (Aust) - Articles, newsletter, classes, events.
- Share International Magazine (USA) - Teachings of Maitreya, articles, newsletter, meditations
- Shekinah - The Holy Spirit (USA) - A selection of scrolls, messages, tapestry & healing.
- Shirley G. Ware (USA) - Inspirational book excerpts & stories.
- SoulZone (USA) - Articles, information, resources, ecology, health, kids section.
- Spirit Freedom (USA) - Free Ascension Training
- SpiritLink (USA) - Spiritual articles, Astrology, Numerology, Links
- Spirit Network (USA) - Articles, events, classes, chat & more.
- Spirit Talk Magazine (USA) - Contemporary dialogue for changing times!
- Spirit to Spirit (USA) - Crystals, affirmations, guidance, articles, links.
- Spirit WWW (Switz) - The ULTIMATE Spiritual Site
- Spiritual Counselling with Niomi (USA) - An e-mail link for counselling.
- Spiritual Light Foundation (Aust) - Spiritual teachings and messages - inspirational!
- Starfire Servers (USA) - Personal peace, relationships, auras, newsletters
- Star Wheel Foundation (USA) - Futuristic collection of 72 Mandala paintings created by visionary artist Aya.
- Starwoman's Advice (USA) - Free spiritual guidance using Ouija, Tarot & Astrology.
- Sun Angel Innovations (USA) - New age & astrological articles, artwork & links
- Sundancer (Aust) - Large range of new age articles and information
- Supersoul Music (Aust) - Listen to some new age music on the web!
- 21st Century NZ - New NZ site which promises to grow with articles & information.
- 2012 Unlimited (Aust) - Hale Bopp, Mayan Calendar, Ascension, Spiritual & UFO materials.
- TarotWorks (Aust) - Tarot software with information & instructions
- The Ascension Page (Aust) - Earth History, ETs, Merkaba, Future
- The Cabin (USA) - Online books, essays, short stories, poems, chat rooms.
- The Cafe (USA) - Short stories, musings and poetry.
- The Calm Centre (Aust) - Meditation & calming techniques, healing, music.
- The Cosmic Web (USA) - Articles, Meditations, Links, Products
- The Dreamtime (USA) - Free readings, Australian Indigenous culture, lots of bulletin boards & mailing lists.
- The Essence of Reality (USA) - Grow towards a clear awareness of how life works.
- The Enneagram (USA) - What makes 2 people compatible?
- The Golden Key (USA) - Interpreting Crop Circles, Stonehenge, pyramids and ourselves.
- The Glastonbury Archive (UK) - A repository of free online books.
- The Inner Voice (USA) - Online magazine with lots of articles & poems.
- The Miracles Page (USA) - Huge list of miracles, angels and other wonders.
- The Monthly Aspectarian (USA) - Online New Age Magazine with Articles & Stories
- The Museum of Talking Boards (USA) - The history of the Oiuja.
- The Natural Child Project (USA) - Parenting advice, child care, art & more.
- The New Earth - An entire book of spiritual and metaphysical information
- The Prophet's Candle (USA) - Poetry for the soul.
- The Share Guide (USA) - Articles on holistic health, environmental awareness, links etc.
- The Spiritual School of Ascension (USA) - Karen Danrich channelings, events and courses.
- The Teaching - Spiritual teachings & books gathered over many years.
- The Teachings of Zareth (Can) - Messages from a spiritual being.
- The Third Circle (USA) - Meditations, Philosophy, Planetary Healing Circles.
- The Online Qabalah (USA) - Study the Tree of Life online.
- The Organization for White Time Healing (Sweden) - Lessons on Healing, & ET information.
- The Original Tarot Web Page (USA) - Free on-line Tarot Readings
- The Peace Page (USA) - Inspirational stories & articles, wisdom, free graphics
- The United Circle of Light (USA) - Channeling, Earth aid work, informtion.
- The Universal One Foundation (USA) - Integrating consciousness with Love & Inspiration.
- The Urantia Book - 196 papers describing God, the universe & Jesus by Celestial beings.
- The Zoo Fence (USA) - Spiritual newsletter with a selection of articles.
- Theion (USA) - Sacred energy transformation, articles, excerpts, meditations, good links.
- Tom Chase (USA) - Shroud of Turin, Hale-Bopp, Astrology, Prophesies.
- Trance Magic (NZ) - The magic of trance through stoems (stories/poems)
- Trust Synchronicity (USA) - James Redfield's own Celestine site with Insights, news products, art etc.
- Valley of The Sun (USA) - Dick & Tara Sutphen's articles, channelings, excerpts & products.
- Visions Unlimited (USA) - Visionary artwork, graphics & postcards.
- Walk-Ins Around The Globe (USA) - Articles, experiences, gatherings.
- Witchboard Central (USA) - Information and FAQ's on the ouija.
- Web Prophesy Page (USA) - Free online readings by Tarot, Runes, I-Ching etc.
- World Light Center (USA) - Lots of articles on Ascension, Metaphysics, Healing; & Poetry
- World Tree Foundation (Can) - Druids, Celtic Calendars, Sacred Groves etc.
- World Wide Online Meditation Center (USA) - Learn meditation online.

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