Prophecies of the following were made in late 1997.

Another tanker disaster is indicated in the northern pacific region for early next year as well as a passenger ferry disaster in the Northern Hemisphere.1998

More increased trouble in the middle east by March 1998. If this occurs it could escalate into a larger problem!(Occurring!) Keep watch!

New discovery in space is indicated around the middle of the year. (Hubble discovers the birth of a new planet in Late May reported on cbs on 28/5/98!)

New religious discovery is also indicated which will raise some doubts.

The stock market will be very volatile around June,(occured) August (occurred)and December.

The weather cycle will be worse than usual in 1998 all around the globe. Many super typhoons in the west pacific, Hurricane season for 1998 will be above normal one in the gulf cat 3, one near Florida cat 2(occurred), one eastern pacific cat1.

Tornados will ravage the central USA during the latter part of the season due to an unusual weather pattern.(occured)

Solar flare activity will be above normal.

Numerous famous figures will pass away in 1998. Some very unexpected ones!(occurred bono, kennedy, Sinatra, Hartman, Linda McCartney,still more to come!)

New discovery in medicine in June.(occured)

Crop Circle activity in England will be above normal with some very strange and unusual designs.(occurred)

New Discovery in Egypt will draw world attention around August.(Occurred)

Watch the Asian markets for a further decline!(occurred)

Trouble in Hong Kong, something to do with China is indicated.(occurring)

The next sequence of prophecies is taken from a live recording of a session done on 26/2/98. 9.15pm CST. USA.

You may see a connection with other prophecies above this is usually connected with an update from Zarlen which makes the prediction more precise! All are for 1998.

Special Feature
Zarlen Trance Channel Predictions
With Dr. Jonathan Sherwood

Interviewer: Rachel Sherwood

Date: 26th of February, 1998.
Time: 9:25 p.m.
Location: Houston, TX, USA.

Q: What events do you see occurring in the world in March?

A sequence of sever storms on the west coast, minor tremors through the L.A. basin.(occurred) More IRA conflict in Britain.(occurred) Middle East will be strained, peace will be at risk.(occurred) I see a lot of people running in Japan as if they are escaping something, ground movement
is indicated, riots come to mind through a disagreement of a policy.

Q: What events do you see occurring in the world in April?

Astronomy, new discovery, some sort of spacial encounter involving the shuttle.(occured) Military activity, Middle East, and a Beirut conflict. New medical breakthrough regarding a new discovery of a drug which is plant orientated. Final recognition, even though small for native tribes in the USA. More concern over logging in Brazil. Death of a celebrity in Hollywood, this is unexpected. More trouble with China. Stock market decline. Minor problems in Australian politics.

Q: What events do you see occurring in the world in May?

Storm activity in central USA, turning wind is indicated. Riots in China. Catastrophe of an oil tanker, Northern Hemisphere, an area near the North Sea is indicated, something to do with an oil rig also in North Sea. Construction of the space station planned will be delayed.(occurred) A severe turning wind problem in the USA is indicated, high scale.(occurred) A ferry disaster.

Q: What events do you see occurring in the world in June?

Weather pattern known as El Nino will change direction,(occured) this will increase the activity of weather patterns crossing the Atlantic, activity in the Gulf of Mexico with storms is severe, more heavy rain indicated for the West Coast of the USA, southern section. A train derailment in the USA, western side. Plane disasters, large aircraft, there will be numerous through this month, various areas around the world. The upheaval in the middle East continues but will quieten down by the end of the month, should also reach a conclusion by this time. Unusual patterns in the fields of England,(Occurred)
strange designs, this will flow through to the following month, and is a special time. Peoples awareness of the environment will expand and grow, new laws will be implemented in various countries of the world.

The beginning of a new discovery in July in Egypt will finalize towards the end of the year with major revelation, the time has come for humanity to recognize its heritage. (Still occurring see predictions for 1999)

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