Dr. Sherwood's Paranormal Background Experience & Abilities.
During his early years Dr. Sherwood was introduced to the natural skills he possessed by his father who was a mystical Freemason in England. He was raised to maintain his natural telepathic talents so that he could not only sense but also control spiritual energies. His father identified the high energy Dr. Sherwood already had and indoctrinated him into understanding the natural way the brain works with the body and nature.
In the Navy he was tested due to his ability to work in highly infectious wards and yet not contract any ailments of any kind. Even when he came into contact with normal patients they would heal faster than when cared for by others.
The Navy tested him in Extra Sensory Perception by having him look at a board that had 24 channels in it and a small ball would be dropped in from the top. He had to point to where the ball would land before it got anywhere near.
After over 100 runs they gave up! he had them all!
He was also tested with regards his natural body defenses when he was injected with 35mgm's Valium. 4 hours later he was still awake. After his blood was tested there was no sign of the Valium. It was only in the urine.
Later while being tested for his pilots licence the optometrist could not understand how his eyes could take the pressures they were taking. Even the Audiologist could not understand when Dr. Sherwood was tested as to how he could hear sound that even dogs and other animals could not hear!
At age 5 he was seeing spirits (ghosts) and has since worked in the paranormal field for over 40 years. He has done readings and also healed 1,000's of people and helped with cleansing 100's of homes worldwide. Thus creating a world of peace and tranquillity.
He has been filmed in trance both by cameramen from National Geographic and other technical institutes as well as recently on Strange Universe in the USA for his work in deciphering the pyramid harmonic equation and the Crop Circles. Next year he will be involved in a special project in Britain regarding his research into Crop Circles.
Many have said that to listen to Dr. Sherwood trance channell Zarlen his guide who is pre Egyptian is one of the most remarkable experiences you will ever hope to experience. Only once has he ever channeled Zarlen in the USA in full trance and that was in New York in 1992. All who experienced this event where brought to tears from the sincerity and energy of the event. Dr Sherwood is the oldest living channel on the international circuit alive today as he has channeled Zarlen now for 40 years+.
He has channeled on a panel many times with Barbara Hand-Clow and Barbara Marciniak as well as Lissa Royal and Daryl Anka to name a few!
Dr Sherwood has access to masses of information on many ancient civilizations through his contact with his guide and because of the high energy that he carries many find him a challenge even though his philosophies are that all things are created equal. He obtains predictions from Zarlen at the end of every year for the next and you will be able to find them on this website.
One of the new techniques is controlling the weather to such an extent that he can now make the weather change in a matter of hours or in someinstances minutes using the ancient technique of Ka-lei.
Also vortex activation can change the course of events for the better if used correctly.See section on vortex activation.