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Here is some background on what has been happening over the last 1,831 years or so. Since the arrival of the last time this cycle appeared humanity has struggled to survive in many shapes and forms. In some cases this created conflicts such as global wars and so forth. Religions have tried to fill the void but not to the degree necessary. This too unfortunately created conflicts of beliefs which again led to many disastrous consequences. Humanity missed the last occurrence of this event because they were not aware of its existence. Whereas today we are! Over this time period from 166 ad until now many events of a positive nature have taken place such as the rebuilding of this new circular system. Read Bruce Cathie's book Pulse of the Universe. Can be ordered from the Nexus Magazine home page. How was this building done? Whether you believe in UFO activity or not there are many examples of their existence regardless of government controversy. In some cases pictures exist as well as reliable eyewitnesses of these craft actually in the operation of placing aerial type structures in strategic positions around the planet. Recently Crop Circles (See crop circle research section for more details!) have been taking forms reminiscent of the grid using designs such as weather image patterns and also predicting the deterioration of conditions due to global warming and so forth. Again there are many instances where the evidence is overwhelming if one is prepared to find the pieces to the puzzle and put them together. This has been the work of Dr. Sherwood and other people associated with his work worldwide. A huge team of people over 25 years who have both supplied information as well as finances and their time to assisting in correlating this mass of information. From New Zealand to Australia to England to Japan and elsewhere this information has been used to help discover lost knowledge. OVER THE YEARS IT IS AMAZING HOW HUMANITY HAS BEEN LED AWAY FROM THIS 13TH CYCLE. Did you know that there are actually 13 signs to the astrological Zodiac. The 13th is Arachnia. (The Spider). 8 legs which is the number representing helix (DNA) energy. Also there are 13 solar months to the year not 12. Religion changed that one. And what about the unlucky 13. The list is endless as to how humanity has been manipulated away from the 13th cycle and its truths. Comes back to beliefs really. Even the Nazca drawings are associated with all this information. BUT WHY IS IT CALLED THE 13TH CYCLE? BECAUSE THE CYCLE ITSELF IS AS FOLLOWS: In ancient beliefs and customs the number 12 was significant in the understanding of the 12 dimensions and levels within the known universe according to belief back in history. Both the Mayan and Egyptian priests used this number in any number of ways but the most significant was the calculation of the harmonic ratio's of the energy of the universe and the calculation to identify its rate of pulse. Within any 3 dimensional state you have 3 energies all interacting with each other but in such a way that unless you understood the dynamics of it it was impossible to track. The sequences that exist within this structure are numerous and just to name one is the 11 year cycle that influences our own sun in such a way that the solar flares that we see are influenced by this same 11 year cycle and those same flares can now be plotted once you know the starting point of the cycle. This can now be done using what we call the harmonic calendar. Here is a simplified form of the calendar showing the 11 year cycle: Year Code - - Matrix Reductions |
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--------- Fully Reduced Cycle : 1872 - 2015 : 143 year (Initiatic Cycle) ------ The 13th phase. 1872 - 1883 = 156 sequence 156 / 12 = 13 (enter Photon Belt 150 yrs?) 1884 - 1895 = 157 - 157 / 12 = 13.08333 (RamaKrishna) 1896 - 1907 = 158 - 158 / 12 = 13.1666 (Blavatsky, 1. Donnely etc.) 1908 - 1919 = 159 - 159 / 12 = 13.25 ( ww 1, Aircraft) 1920 - 1931 = 160 - 160 / 12 = 13.3333 (roaring 20's, Black Monday) 1932 - 1943 = 161 - 161 / 12 = 13.41666 (Great depression, ww 2) 1944 - 1955 = 162 - 162 / 12 = 13.5 (end ww 2, Atomics) 1956 - 1967 = 163 - 163 / 12 = 13.58333 (Sputnik summer of love) 1968 - 1979 = 164 - 164 / 12 = 13.6666 (1972 = E change, Nixon) 1980 - 1991 = 165 - 165 / 12 = 13.75 (Reagan Bush, USSR fall) 1992 - 2003 = 166 - 166 / 12 = 13.8333 (Zarlen Cycle begins activation.) (The false door is activated!) Bush II era Sept 11th -War on Terror! 2004 - 2015 = 167 - 167 / 12 = 13.91666 (Arguelles cycle end 2012)(The Zarlen second phase! The real doorway is used!!) 2016 - 2027 = 168 - 168 / 12 = 14 1871 - ( 155 x 11) = 1871 - 1705 = 166 AD. (13.83333) (Merovee's, etc.) expanding on Merovee note: Oak Tree ( P.de S./ Templars ) = 1188 = 1188 / 12 = 99 The cycle we were looking for was 13.8333. Then we needed to find the doorway activation sequence which would lead us to the mathematical sequence that would activate the energy cycle. This was discovered in the following manner: The Zarlen Matrix - Harmonic Reductions Sequence # 1 - Base 61 - Zarlen Matrix showed this first - 4 indicates creating the sacred space, used at the beginning of work... 147= 12.25 233= 19. 41666 note 4166 as compared to 9166 in Base 43. 405= 33.75 208 17.333 same in both seq. - 13 Initiatic seq. - 104 up 1 octave 294= 24.5 466= 38.8333* 416= 34.666 same in both seq. - 13 Initiatic seq. - 104 up 2 octaves. Sequence #2 - Base 43 - Zarlen Matrix showed this 2nd ... 9 indicates completion /closure used at the end of work... 165 =13.75 287 = 23.91666... 9 indicates specific aspect of 166 harmonic 531= 44.25 208 =17.333 same in both seq. - 13 Initiatic seq. - 104 up 1 octave 330 = 27.5 574 = 47.8333 * 416 = 34.666 same in both seq. - 13 Initiatic seq. - 104 up 2 octaves. Fundamental freq. = 43 + 61 = 104 ; Initiatic Sequence : 13, 26, 52(pyramid side angle!), 104, 208, 416. Otherwise known as period doubling! Resonant Brain wave Chart = 12 - 8, 9, 10 - 6, 7 - 2 ( 4 vibration levels in 7 notes)or keys. (Note 12 - 8 = 4, 10 - 6 = 4, 7 - 2 = 5 Therefore harmonic 445 ) The .0833 Series in the Initiatic Sequence In the Matrix ... A> 43 + 61 = 104 B>208 and 416 appear as "nodes" in both sequences C>832 also is present higher vibration sequences. Therefore; The Initiatic Sequence is key; 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 416, 832, etc. - An octave doubling of the Initiatic number 13. ( see also date Codes for this Epoch..) - 26 degrees = slope of Passage ways in Great Pyramid; 52 deg. is slope of sides. - Notice 26 and 52 cycles in the Mayan Harmonic Series also. If, the Zarlen Harmonic calculation is done to the root of this sequence ... 13 / 12 = 1.08333 Primary = 1, Universal Consciousness Energy - .08333 The Harmonic Series can be expressed as ( 13 x 2 to nth power ) divided by 12 = xxx This calculation yields : ( where n = all integers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. ) 2 (n=0) = 1 13 1.08333 .08333 1 = Euclidean Point 2 (n=1) = 2 26 2.16666 .16666 2 = Euclidean Line 2 (n=2) = 4 52 4.33333 .33333 4 = Tetrahedral 2 (n=3) = 8 104 8.66666 .66666 8 = Octahedral 2 (n=4) = 16 208 17.3333 .33333 16 not a Platonic Solid 2 (n=5) = 32 416 34.6666 .66666 32 not a Platonic Solid 2 (n=6) = 64 832 69.3333 .33333 etc., etc., etc. ... Notice that after the first 2 steps in the sequence, ( 13 -; 26 ), a repeating pattern shows; - All Even Exponents yields a .33333 Harmonic - All Odd Exponents yields a .66666 Harmonic. In the above table it can be seen that 104 Harmonic ( 43 + 61 in Zarlen matrix ) correlates to an Octahedral form. That is Exactly the shape it is when "As above, So below" or the other hints "The pyramid below the pyramid", "Equal and opposite angle" etc. are noted. Also, notice the "nodes" in Chant Matrix ( 208 and 416 ) are the first repetition of pattern and the break occurs cleanly when the exponents are no longer Platonic Solids. The other break occurs at 26 Euclidean ( 2 ) Internal Passages in Pyramid 52 Platonic ( 4 ) External Slope of Pyramid. In the first complete cycle 13, 26, 52 and 104 we see the complete description of the Design of the Pyramid and it's form and function ... 13 Initiatic 26 Internal Passages Slope 52 External Slope of Sides 104 Base sum of Zarlen Matrix. A marker appeared after the chants in 1992. This marker The information and a photograph can be seen. Next we needed to cross reference this information with the year cycle to identify where and when this energy could be accessed. This was done by calculating the day to day cycle for the year sequence highlighted in blue above. We needed to know which year within that cycle was the year in question. So the following was applied: From 1992 to 2003 which was the 166 cycle. In order to make this clearer for you we have added a couple of years either side for evaluation purposes. Breaking the system down even further we arrived at the following: |
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The year in red is the start point we were looking for by its mathematical relationship to the .41666. Next we had to calculate the month and day in question in order to find the window using a time frame down to the correct hour, day and month. Then we needed to find the relevant indicators for the day by firstly looking for the 52 and then the .333 sequence. The date turned out to be in November of 1997. The 15th to be precise which has the 52.333 sequence. Why not the 6th or the 24th? Because the middle one is the correct one as not only is it in the middle but the first is always the negative response one. Also the energy cycles in 3 phases and the third is the end result of what precedes it. Also the planets have to be in certain positions such as Mercury and Pluto being in a conjunction phase during the period in question. This lesson was learnt in the experiment held in December of 1992 when a test run was done using a similar process with remarkable results as mentioned previously. Now in 2008 the opening cycle begins late in the year first comes the preparatory period of one cycle that's from 2007-2008 then the opening. Watch for our new section here coming soon and what's happening later this year onwards through to 2012. |
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(c) Copyright 1993-2008 Rajon Publishing UK |